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Manifestation is a combat skill and determines how successful players are about translating their mana into beneficial spells.

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  • Each spell has a reagent cost to cast, these can be gathered from the wild, found as loot or bought from an alchemy shop or herbalist.
  • The Channeling skill is a recommended complement to Manifestation since it enables you to recover mana much faster.
  • 2Training Guides
    • 2.4Cicada's Skillgain Log/Grinding Guide (WIP)

Your manifestation can raise naturally from just going on adventures and using your spells. If your gold gain from killing monsters outweighs the cost of reagents killing a monster and healing yourself, you won't go bankrupt. 30-40: Cast Heal, Even though your success rate is very high you'll gain skill points quite easily at this level.

Spells[editedit source]

IconDifficultySpellDescriptionReagentsRequired ManaRecommended skill*100% Success rate**
1RefreshSacrifices up to 20% of casters max mana in exchange for 25%-75% of that amount in stamina.Lemon Grass10.040.1
1HealHeals the target.Ginseng410.040.1
1InfuseSacrifices up to 20% of casters max stamina in exchange for 25%-75% of that amount in mana.Lemon Grass10.040.1
2CureCures the target of poison.Ginseng620.050.1
3TeleportTeleports to the target location.Ginseng1430.060.1
4Greater HealGreatly heals the target instantly.Ginseng1140.070.1
5MarkInscribes a rune that allows for travel to this location using teleportation.Mushrooms5050.080.1
5Charge Runebookadds 5 Recall charges to a runebook.Magical Essence5050.080.1
6CloakCloaks the target with invisibility.Mushrooms1460.090.1
7ResurrectionResurrects the target instantly.Moss5070.0100.0

(99% success rate)

7PortalCast on a marked rune to summon a portal for magical travel. Cannot be used inside Dungeons, or inside player housing.Moss5270.0100.0

(99% success rate)

7Summon MountSummons an ethereal mount on the targetMagical Essence4070.0100.0

(99% success rate)

8Ward:EvilPlace a ward that will alert you of evil. Lasts 10 minutes, only 1 can be active at a time.Lemon Grass
5080.0100.0 (65% success rate)

*This is based on the formula: Difficulty level * 10 = Minimum skill required. However, you are able to cast the spells at a lower skill but with exceedingly low success rate.

**Based on the formula Difficulty level * 10 + 30.1

General Information
Some of this information could do with being moved and cleaned up.
  1. Portals to Wilderness Areas are RED, be sure you trust the caster before clicking these it could be a trap.
  2. Cloak spell will only last about a minute before you are revealed.
  3. The amount of healing by Heal or Greater Heal is purely based on your Manifestation skill

Training Guides[editedit source]

It has been suggested that this article or section be moved to Manifestation/Training Guides.

It has been suggested that this article or section be moved to Manifestation/Training Guides.

  • Please see the Discussion page for reasoning.

Gonzo's Manifestation Guide[editedit source]


30 - 70.1 - 3000 Ginseng - Greater Heal

70.1 -90.1 4500 Mushrooms - Cloak

90.1 - GM 5000 Ginseng/Lemon Grass -Ward Evil

**************************Results May Vary*************************************

If your skill is below 30.0 then visit a mage NPC to buy training, this will put you at 30.0 skill points.

During your adventures you'll need to fill up your spellbook with scrolls to able to cast those spells. Visit a player vendor to buy the scrolls you need.

Be sure to move around a lot between casting spells, as after a few skill gains in the same location you will not advance until you move again. This was introduced in order to help prevent botting/macroing. [citation needed] Does teamviewer works on mac.

Since Manifestation spells are supportive in nature, you're not able to earn any copper from just casting these spells, unlike Evocation where you can gain skill points and copper from using your spells to kill monsters.

Adventure guide[editedit source]

Your manifestation can raise naturally from just going on adventures and using your spells.

If your gold gain from killing monsters outweighs the cost of reagents killing a monster and healing yourself, you won't go bankrupt.

30-40: Cast Heal, Even though your success rate is very high you'll gain skill points quite easily at this level.

Tip: Stick to graveyards at this skill level if you're able to kill skeletons and zombies. Avoid having more than one hitting you at a time.

40-60: Cast Greater Heal, at this point you'll be unable to gain any skill points from the regular heal spell, and Greater Heal will fail a lot at first, so stick to graveyards or any moderately safe zone.

Tip: If your evocation skill is high enough, casting Wall of Fire is an excellent way to kill several monsters effectively while standing still and healing yourself, remember that the fire will damage you if you stand in it.

60-70: Continue casting Greater Heal. At this point, you have about a 75% chance of successfully casting the spell. So you're able to seek out harder challenges, such as the corruption dungeon, if you're able to effectively kill imps and hell hounds.

70+: At this point, you will be unable to gain any skill points from Greater Heal, refer to the guide below to continue.

Grind-guide[editedit source]

  • 30-45: Teleport
  • 45-55 (up to 65): Greater Heal
  • 55-65: Mark
  • 65-75 (up to 90): Cloak
  • 75-85: Portal
  • 85-100: Ward Evil

Cicada's Skillgain Log/Grinding Guide (WIP)[editedit source]

I loosely tracked my skill gains and reagent use in Manifestation from 30.0 through 100.0, along with reagents, reagent cost (if purchased from vendor), and spell(s) used.

I begun casting harder difficulty spells earlier for mana-efficiency, and get more skill checks per session since a fizzled cast does not use mana.

Note: This is not an absolute Manifestation building guide, but simply a log of my experience. YMMV.

Cicada's Skillgain Log – Manifestation 30.0 - 100.0 (GM)
Reagent(s) UsedSpellStarting SkillEnding SkillGainReagent Cost
175 Ginseng30.036.5+6.5700
400 Ginseng36.547.4+10.91600
500 Ginseng47.458.0+10.62000
700 Mushrooms58.071.1+13.13500
500 Moss71.177.6+6.52500
500 Moss77.681.0+3.42500
500 Ginseng

500 Lemon Grass

500 Ginseng

500 Lemon Grass

1000 Ginseng

1000 Lemon Grass

500 Ginseng

500 Lemon Grass

250 Ginseng

250 Lemon Grass

500 Ginseng

500 Lemon Grass

550 Ginseng

550 Lemon Grass

600 Ginseng

600 Lemon Grass

800 Ginseng

800 Lemon Grass

1000 Ginseng

1000 Lemon Grass

714 Ginseng

714 Lemon Grass


Reagent Running Costs[editedit source]

8589Ginseng3 4356
7514Lemon Grass3 56
Total Reagent Cost7 2912

NPC Trainers[editedit source]

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The following NPCs can train your Manifestation skill to 30 for 300 : Run teamviewer as a service on mac.

  • Exlorex (Valus)
  • Zigmund (Eldeir Village)

Helpful tips[editedit source]

  • At 60 manifestation you have a fair chance of casting the mark spell. Spend some time building up your own rune library for future use. It'll offer you some skill gains and will be very useful when you're able to cast portal.
  • A Blank Rune can only be marked once with the mark spell and cannot be remarked.
  • You can cast Mark on a rune that is already marked and you will still gain manifestation. It will notify you that is is not a blank rune but will still give you gains.
  • Higher level Manifest spells such as Portal & Ward will also build your Magic Affinity skill.
  • Having a high agility stat will enable you to use infuse more often to refill your mana.
Animal Lore • Animal Taming • Archery • Bashing • Beastmastery • Blocking • Brawling • Channeling • Evocation • Healing • Hiding • Lancing • Magic Affinity • Manifestation • Martial Prowess • Piercing • Slashing • Stealth • Vigor
Alchemy • Blacksmithing • Carpentry • Cooking • Fabrication • Fishing • Inscription • Lumberjack • Mining
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Abilities are active-skills that a character can perform when activated by the player. Abilities come from skills, unlocking prestige abilities, tools, weapons and when a character has nothing in hands.

Skill Abilities[editedit source]

Currently, there are three abilities that come from skills and can be found within the in-game skills book. Characters have all of these abilities available at anytime.

  • Animal Taming: Command
  • Channeling: Focus
  • Hiding: Hide

Tool Abilities[editedit source]

Tool abilities are the basic abilities your character can use when equipped with a tool.

  • Crook: Tame
  • Fishing Rod: Fish (ability)
  • Hatchet: Lumberjack (ability)
  • Hunting Knife: Use (ability)
  • Mining Pick: Mine (ability)

Weapon Abilities[editedit source]

See: Weapons

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Weapon abilities are the basic abilities your character can use when equipped with a weapon.

Each weapon provides 1 or 2 of those abilities, which will require some Stamina to trigger.

Weapon abilities are displayed at the bottom of the screen and are activated by Q and E by default.

Prestige Abilities[editedit source]

Prestige abilities are powerful abilities granted to a player by obtaining a Prestige Ability Book (either from looting a dangerous enemy or by trading) and giving one to the ability's respective trainer. For example, if a player obtains a Vanish ability book, they may give it to a Rogue Trainer such as Wallace to grant themselves the Vanish ability. Players must also have ability points (earned from gaining XP) and also a high enough skill in order to learn an ability.
Prestige abilities, upon learning them, may be located in the player's Ability menu. This menu is adjacent to the skills menu.

A player may not have more than 3 Prestige Abilities at one time. If a player wishes to learn a new ability, one of the 3 currently learned abilities must be sacrificed.

Other Abilities[editedit source]

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