Tinker Tool Leveling Config

  1. # Configuration file
  2. ##########################################################################################################
  3. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  4. # Tweak Module: This category allows you to specify which tools ARE NOT USABLE or alternatively ARE STILL USABLE if the option to disable non-TConstsruct tools is enabled.
  5. # To make this easier a /dumpTools command is provided, that dumps the names of all applicable items in your world. Copy'n'Paste away!
  6. ##########################################################################################################
  7. allowedtools {
  8. # Bows that are excluded if the option to nerf non-tinkers bows is enabled. [default: [ThermalExpansion:tool.bowInvar]]
  9. ThermalExpansion:tool.bowInvar
  10. # 'blacklist' means the listed tools are made unusable.
  11. # 'whitelist' means ALL tools except the listed ones are unusable. [default: blacklist]
  12. # Hoes that are excluded if the option to nerf non-tinkers hoes is enabled. [default: [Steamcraft:hoeGildedGold], [Steamcraft:hoeBrass], [ThermalExpansion:tool.hoeInvar], [IC2:itemToolBronzeHoe], [Railcraft:tool.steel.hoe]]
  13. # Here you can exclude entire mods by adding their mod-id (the first part of the string). [default: [minecraft], [Metallurgy], [Natura], [BiomesOPlenty], [ProjRed Exploration], [appliedenergistics2], [MekanismTool]]
  14. # Swords that are excluded if the option to nerf non-tinkers swords is enabled. [default: [Botania:manasteelSword], [Steamcraft:swordGildedGold], [Steamcraft:swordBrass], [ThermalExpansion:tool.swordInvar], [IC2:itemToolBronzeSword], [Railcraft:tool.steel.sword]]
  15. # Tools that are excluded if the option to nerf non-tinkers tools is enabled. [default: [Botania:manasteelAxe], [Botania:manasteelPick], [Botania:manasteelShovel], [Steamcraft:axeGildedGold], [Steamcraft:pickGildedGold], [Steamcraft:shovelGildedGold], [Steamcraft:axeBrass], [Steamcraft:pickBrass], [Steamcraft:shovelBrass], [ThermalExpansion:tool.axeInvar], [ThermalExpansion:tool.pickaxeInvar], [ThermalExpansion:tool.shovelInvar], [IC2:itemToolBronzeAxe], [IC2:itemToolBronzePickaxe], [IC2:itemToolBronzeSpade], [Railcraft:tool.steel.axe], [Railcraft:tool.steel.pickaxe], [Railcraft:tool.steel.shovel]]
  16. }
  17. ##########################################################################################################
  18. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  19. ##########################################################################################################
  20. debug {
  21. # Logs when the harvest level of a block is changed [default: true]
  22. # Logs how much the extra-chance from doing stuff you had when getting a random bonus on levelup. [default: true]
  23. # Logs every single thing done by the Override module. Use at your own risk. ;) [default: false]
  24. # Logs when the mining level of a tinkers tool material is changed [default: true]
  25. # Logs when the mining level of a (non-tinker) tool is changed [default: true]
  26. # Current Tool/Pick XP is shown as debug (F3) text [default: false]
  27. }
  28. ##########################################################################################################
  29. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  30. # Harvest Level Tweak Module: Introduces a slower mining level progression.
  31. ##########################################################################################################
  32. harvestleveltweaks {
  33. # Changes the Diamond and Emerald modifier: Apply it to a bronze level tool to obtain diamond level. Required unless you have steel or similar. [default: true]
  34. # Change durability of all tool materials (in percent) [range: 1 ~ 999, default: 80]
  35. # Change mining speed of all tool materials (in percent) [range: 1 ~ 999, default: 100]
  36. }
  37. ##########################################################################################################
  38. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  39. # Mob Head Module: Adds additional Mob heads and drops
  40. ##########################################################################################################
  41. mobheads {
  42. # Base percentage for a head to drop [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 5]
  43. # Percentage added to base percentage per level of Beheading modifier [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 2]
  44. }
  45. # How much of the current XP% to the next mining level shall be removed when replacing the pickaxe head. Useful to remove the mining level boost on part replacement. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 5]
  46. # How much of the current XP% shall be removed when replacing parts (So if you had 50%, and penality is 10% it'll remove 5% xp, resulting in 45%). Does not remove Skill Levels. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0]
  47. # Removes the Mob Head Modifier on Tool-Head replacement, allowing it to be reapplied. Should be used with PickBoostXpPenality. [default: true]
  48. }
  49. ##########################################################################################################
  50. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  51. # Leveling Module: Allows pickaxes to gain a mining level with enough XP. Should be used with the HarvestLevel Module.
  52. ##########################################################################################################
  53. pickleveling {
  54. # Mob heads can be used to boost a pickaxe's mining xp. [default: true]
  55. # Pickaxes gain Mining Xp by using the pickaxe. [default: true]
  56. # Mob head boosting requires a free modifier [default: false]
  57. # Every Pickaxes Mining Level is reduced by 1 and needs a mining levelup (separate from tool level) or, if enabled, a mob head modifier to advance [default: true]
  58. # Change the percentage of XP required to boost a pick (i.e. 200 means 2x normal boost xp required) [range: 1 ~ 999, default: 100]
  59. }
  60. ##########################################################################################################
  61. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  62. # Leveling Module: Allows to completely deactivate specific modifiers on levelup.
  63. ##########################################################################################################
  64. randombonuses {
  65. B:allowAutosmelt=false
  66. B:allowBeheading=false
  67. B:allowDiamond=false
  68. B:allowFiery=false
  69. B:allowKnockback=false
  70. B:allowLuckLooting=false
  71. B:allowReinforced=false
  72. B:allowSilkTouch=false
  73. B:allowStonebound=false
  74. ##########################################################################################################
  75. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  76. # Leveling Module: Setup the leveling system how you like it
  77. ##########################################################################################################
  78. toolleveling {
  79. # Adds a random bonus on these levelups if 'RandomBonuses' is enabled
  80. 2
  81. 4
  82. 6
  83. # Each modifier is equally likely on levelup. Disables useful bonuses. [default: false]
  84. # The amount of modifiers new tools have. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 0]
  85. # Adds an extra modifier on these levelups if 'ExtraModifiers' is enabled
  86. 3
  87. 9
  88. 27
  89. 45
  90. 60
  91. 75
  92. >
  93. # Gives a random bonus every level, if false and levelling is on modifiers are given at levels 2 and 4 (requires 'toolLeveling=true') [default: true]
  94. # Disables less-useful modifiers on levelups. Like a sword with silktouch, or a pickaxe with beheading. [default: true]
  95. # XP tooltip shows numbers, in addition to percentage [default: true]
  96. I:maxToolLevel=80
  97. # Current XP% is shown after the level [default: false]
  98. # Current XP is shown when hovering over a tool [default: true]
  99. # Can your skill with tools 'level up' as you use them? [default: true]
  100. # Exponential multiplier for required boost xp per level [range: 1.0 ~ 9.99, default: 1.12]
  101. # Exponential multiplier for required xp per level [range: 1.0 ~ 9.99, default: 1.15]
  102. # Change the XP required to level up tools in % (higher = more xp needed) [range: 1 ~ 999, default: 100]
  103. # Change the XP required to level up weapons in % (higher = more xp needed) [range: 1 ~ 999, default: 100]
  104. }
  105. ##########################################################################################################
  106. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  107. # Tweak Module: Tweaks to vanilla Minecraft and Tinker's Construct
  108. ##########################################################################################################
  109. tweaks {
  110. # Adds a shapeless recipe to get flint from gravel [default: true]
  111. # Allows toolparts to be used as material in the Part Builder. Like, turn a Pick head into a Shovel head.! [default: true]
  112. # Allows to use stencils as blank patterns in the stencil table [default: false]
  113. # Allows you to use a piece of string as a binding [default: true]
  114. # Creating a metal cast burns up the material that was used to create it [default: true]
  115. # Removes the ability to add modifiers with Gold, Diamond, Netherstars etc. [default: false]
  116. # Makes all non-TConstruct bows useless. You suddenly forgot how to use a bow. [default: false]
  117. # Makes all non-TConstruct hoes to not be able to hoe ground. Use the Mattock. [default: false]
  118. # Makes all non-TConstruct swords useless. Like whacking enemies with a stick. [default: false]
  119. # Makes all non-TConstruct tools mine nothing [default: true]
  120. # Stone Tools can only be used to create casts, but no tools [default: true]
  121. # Allows to craft tool parts with a pattern and the material in any crafting grid. [default: false]
  122. # Allows to create Tool Station Tools (2-3 Parts) in any crafting grid [default: false]
  123. # Allows to also create Tool Forge Tools (4 Parts) in any crafting grid [default: false]
  124. # Allows to repair your tool in a crafting grid, without tool station [default: true]
  125. # How many gravel are required to craft one Flint [range: 1 ~ 9, default: 3]
  126. # Silky Cloth needs gold ingots, instead of nuggets [default: true]
  127. # Silky Jewel needs an emerald block, instead of one emerald [default: false]
  128. # Flux modifier requires 2 Modifiers. Because that stuff is broken. [default: true]
  129. # Removes the random chance of getting flint from gravel [default: true]
  130. # Removes the recipe for Tinker's Construct's stone torch [default: false]
  131. # Limits the amount how often a tool can be repaired. -1 means unlimited repairs, like normally. [range: -1 ~ 999, default: -1]
  132. }
  133. 'tinker's construct addon: iguana tweaks for tinkers construct' {
  134. # Stuff used for debugging. You probably don't want this.
  135. # Modify tool and item mining levels to create a tiered-ish progression
  136. # All the Items Iguana Tweaks for TConstruct adds (Clay Buckets,..)
  137. # Adds additional MobHeads and control over MobHead drops.
  138. B:MultipartCompat=true
  139. # This module allows to override about any values relevant for TConstruct or IguanaTinkerTweaks.
  140. # Various Tweaks for vanilla Minecraft and Tinker's Construct. See Config.
  141. # The Iguana Tweaks Leveling System for Tinker's Tools
  142. B:ToolPartReplacing=true
  143. # Various Tweaks for vanilla Minecraft and Tinker's Construct. See Config.
  144. # This module takes care of additional awesome dungeon loot.
  145. }
  146. # Configuration file
  147. ##########################################################################################################
  148. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  149. # Restriction Module: Allows to blacklist certain ToolParts from being created with specific Materials!
  150. # The allowed and restricted entries are (=should be) equal. They're just both there for visibility.
  151. # Any material not listed in any category will stay untouched.
  152. ##########################################################################################################
  153. toolparts {
  154. # This section is a negative of the above restricted section, and will be applied AFTER restricted parts.
  155. # That means only the parts listed here will be craftable, none of the other parts with this material.
  156. # If a Material does not show up here, it will be unmodified. Otherwise all other recipes for this material will be deleted.
  157. # ATTENTION: THIS DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO ADD NEW RECIPES. ONLY EXISTING ONES WORK. This exists purely for convenience.(materialnames and partnames are the same as restricted parts) [default: [Wood:rod], [Wood:crossbar], [Wood:binding], [Wood:sign], [Wood:bowlimb], [Wood:crossbowlimb], [Wood:crossbowbody], [Flint:pickaxe], [Flint:shovel], [Flint:axe], [Flint:knifeblade], [Flint:arrowhead], [Flint:shuriken], [Bone:rod], [Bone:shovel], [Bone:axe], [Bone:crossbar], [Bone:knifeblade], [Bone:arrowhead], [Bone:bowlimb], [Bone:crossbowlimb], [Bone:crossbowbody], [Cactus:rod], [Cactus:binding], [Cactus:knifeblade], [Cactus:shuriken], [Paper:rod], [Paper:binding], [Slime:rod], [Slime:sign], [Slime:binding], [Slime:bowlimb], [Slime:crossbowlimb], [Slime:crossbowbody], [BlueSlime:rod], [BlueSlime:binding], [BlueSlime:bowlimb], [BlueSlime:crossbowlimb], [BlueSlime:crossbowbody], [Netherrack:rod], [Netherrack:pickaxe], [Netherrack:shovel], [Netherrack:axe], [Netherrack:largeguard], [Netherrack:mediumguard], [Netherrack:crossbar], [Netherrack:binding], [Netherrack:sign], [Netherrack:largerod], [Netherrack:toughbinding], [Netherrack:largeplate], [Netherrack:broadaxe], [Netherrack:scythe], [Netherrack:excavator], [Netherrack:fullguard], [Netherrack:arrowhead], [Netherrack:crossbowbody], [Obsidian:rod], [Obsidian:pickaxe], [Obsidian:shovel], [Obsidian:axe], [Obsidian:largeguard], [Obsidian:mediumguard], [Obsidian:crossbar], [Obsidian:binding], [Obsidian:sign], [Obsidian:largerod], [Obsidian:toughbinding], [Obsidian:largeplate], [Obsidian:broadaxe], [Obsidian:scythe], [Obsidian:excavator], [Obsidian:hammerhead], [Obsidian:fullguard], [Obsidian:arrowhead], [Obsidian:crossbowbody], [Obsidian:shuriken]]
  158. Wood:rod
  159. Wood:binding
  160. Flint:pickaxe
  161. Flint:axe
  162. Flint:arrowhead
  163. Bone:shovel
  164. Bone:crossbar
  165. Bone:arrowhead
  166. Cactus:binding
  167. Paper:rod
  168. Slime:rod
  169. Slime:binding
  170. BlueSlime:binding
  171. # Prevents the creation of listed Material-Tool combinations.
  172. # materialnames are: Wood, Stone, Iron, Flint, Cactus, Invar, Bone, Nickel, Obsidian, Lead, Netherrack, Silver, Slime, Platinum, Paper, Electrum, Cobalt, Ardite, Manyullyn, Copper, Bronze, Alumite, BlueSlime, Pink Slime, Steel, Plastic, PigIron, String, Endium
  173. # partnames are: bowstring, swordblade, frypan, chisel, knifeblade, toughbinding, pickaxe, scythe, mediumguard, crossbowbody, largeplate, axe, largeblade, bowlimb, fullguard, largeguard, crossbowlimb, crossbar, sign, rod, fletching, shuriken, hammerhead, shovel, broadaxe, excavator, binding, largerod, arrowhead,
  174. S:restricted <
  175. }
  176. tinkers' construct:
  177. # Configuration file
  178. achievements {
  179. }
  180. B:'Allow creation of endstone'=true
  181. B:'Craft metals with Wood Patterns'=true
  182. B:'Deny creation of non-metal mattocks'=false
  183. B:'Enable Auto-Smelt and Fortune interaction'=true
  184. B:'Enable mod bone tools'=true
  185. B:'Enable mod flint tools'=true
  186. B:'Enable mod paper tools'=true
  187. B:'Enable mod stone tools'=true
  188. B:'Keep hunger on death'=true
  189. B:'Modifiers increase Mining Level'=true
  190. B:'Remove Vanilla Tool Recipes'=false
  191. B:'Tools lose 10% durability on death'=true
  192. dimblacklist {
  193. # True: slime islands wont generate in any ages other than overworld(if enabled); False: will generate in all non-blackisted ages
  194. # Add dimension ID's to prevent slime islands from generating in them
  195. >
  196. # Generate slime islands in flat worlds
  197. # True: slime islands generate in overworld; False they do not generate
  198. }
  199. B:'Allow horses to be melted down for glue'=true
  200. B:'Minimal Textures'=false
  201. # This fixes very fast tools sometimes resulting in ghost blocks, but causes a bit more network traffic. Should be fine in theory.
  202. B:'Send additional block updates when using AOE tools'=true
  203. # Warning: Very buggy
  204. }
  205. # You will always get a TConstruct item from casting an ingot or block.
  206. I:'Sea level'=64
  207. looks {
  208. # 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = enabled + ignore stained glass meta
  209. }
  210. # Set to 0 to disable
  211. }
  212. # Number of ingots returned from smelting Aluminum Brass in the smeltery
  213. # Number of ingots returned from smelting Alumite in the smeltery
  214. # Number of ingots returned from smelting Bronze in the smeltery
  215. # Number of ingots returned from smelting ores in the smeltery
  216. # Number of ingots returned from smelting Manyullyn in the smeltery
  217. # Number of ingots returned from smelting Pig Iron in the smeltery
  218. }
  219. B:'All the world is Superfun'=false
  220. }
  221. # Gives all tier 1 patterns when pattern chest is placed
  222. B:'Add World Border'=false
  223. # Makes recipes for gold apples, carrots, and melon potions more expensive
  224. B:'Change Ghast drops to Gold Ingots'=false
  225. B:'Necrotic modifier only heals on hostile mob kills'=false
  226. B:'Players drop heads on death'=false
  227. }
  228. I:'Aluminum Bush Density'=2
  229. I:'Aluminum Bush Min Y'=0
  230. I:'Aluminum Surface Rarity'=50
  231. I:'Aluminum Underground Max Y'=64
  232. I:'Cobalt Surface Rarity'=2000
  233. I:'Copper Bush Max Y'=60
  234. I:'Copper Bush Rarity'=3
  235. # Rarity: 1/num to generate in chunk
  236. I:'Copper Underground Density'=2
  237. I:'Copper Underground Min Y'=20
  238. I:'Gold Bush Density'=1
  239. I:'Gold Surface Rarity'=900
  240. I:'Iron Bush Rarity'=5
  241. I:'Nether Ores Density'=8
  242. I:'Slime Island Rarity'=1450
  243. I:'Tin Bush Max Y'=40
  244. I:'Tin Bush Rarity'=3
  245. I:'Tin Underground Density'=2
  246. I:'Tin Underground Min Y'=0
  247. 'worldgen disabler' {
  248. B:'Generate Aluminum'=true
  249. B:'Generate Cobalt and Ardite'=true
  250. B:'Generate Copper Bushes'=true
  251. B:'Generate Gold Bushes'=true
  252. B:'Generate Surface Aluminum'=true
  253. B:'Generate Surface Gold'=true
  254. B:'Generate Surface Tin'=true
  255. B:'Generate Tin Bushes'=true
  1. # crafting
  2. # Allow Tinkers crafting to be done in a normal crafting window
  3. # Allows blank patterns to be crafted with 4 sticks in a square
  4. # Allows you to make tool parts in a normal crafting window
  5. # Allows you to rotate the the tier 1 patterns in a normal crafting window
  6. # Allows you create tinkers tools in a normal crafting window
  7. # Allows you add modifications to tools in a normal crafting window
  8. }
  9. # debug
  10. # Debugging options
  11. # Outputs to the log when the harvest level of a block is changed
  12. # Outputs to the log when the mining level of a tool is changed
  13. }
  14. # harvestids
  15. # Set harvest levels of blocks here (most should be modified by default, so check if needed first)
  16. # Block ids (each on seperate line) for blocks to be set to harvest level 0 (stone pick+)
  17. >
  18. # Block ids (each on seperate line) for blocks to be set to harvest level 1 (flint pick+)
  19. >
  20. # Block ids (each on seperate line) for blocks to be set to harvest level 2 (copper pick+)
  21. >
  22. # Block ids (each on seperate line) for blocks to be set to harvest level 3 (iron pick+)
  23. >
  24. # Block ids (each on seperate line) for blocks to be set to harvest level 4 (bronze pick+)
  25. >
  26. # Block ids (each on seperate line) for blocks to be set to harvest level 5 (alumite pick+)
  27. >
  28. # Block ids (each on seperate line) for blocks to be set to harvest level 6 (ardite pick+)
  29. >
  30. # Block ids (each on seperate line) for blocks to be set to harvest level 7 (cobalt pick+)
  31. >
  32. ####################
  33. #
  34. ####################
  35. heads {
  36. # Base percentage chance for a head to drop (only if 'pickaxeHeads' is true)
  37. # Percentage chance for a head to drop for each level of beheading (only if 'pickaxeHeads' is true)
  38. }
  39. # item
  40. # Item ID for the fired clay bucket
  41. I:clayBucketLavaId=25713
  42. # Item ID for the milk filled clay bucket
  43. I:clayBucketUnfiredId=25710
  44. # Item ID for the water filled clay bucket
  45. I:clayBucketsId=25714
  46. ####################
  47. #
  48. ####################
  49. leveling {
  50. # XP tooltip shows numbers, in addition to percentage
  51. # Current XP is shown as debug (F3) text (requires 'toolLeveling=true')
  52. # Current XP is shown when hovering over a tool (requires 'toolLeveling=true')
  53. # Can your skill with tools 'level up' as you use them?
  54. # Removes modifiers on new tools and gives them through leveling (requires 'toolLeveling=true')
  55. # Gives a random bonus every level, if false and levelling is on modifiers are given at levels 2 and 4 (requires 'toolLeveling=true')
  56. # Exponential multiplier on required XP per level
  57. # Change the XP required to level up tools (higher=more) (requires 'toolLeveling' to be true)
  58. # Change the XP required to level up weapons (higher=more) (requires 'toolLeveling' to be true)
  59. }
  60. # modifiers
  61. # Options relating to tool modifiers
  62. # Silky Cloth can be used to remove all modifiers from a tool (currently safe but not working)
  63. # Electric modifier requires 2 modifiers slots instead of 1
  64. # Silky Cloth needs gold ingots, instead of nuggets
  65. # Silky Jewel needs emerald block, instead of one emerald
  66. I:mossRepairSpeed=3
  67. # Amount each piece of redstone increases mining speed (tinkers default is 8)
  68. }
  69. # other
  70. # Random stuff to configure here
  71. # Adds a shapeless recipe to get flint from 4 gravel blocks
  72. # Changes diamond armor to cobalt armor (more expensive recipe)
  73. # Change durability of all materials here (higher = tougher)
  74. # Change mining speed of all materials here (higher = faster)
  75. B:partReplacement=false
  76. # Shows information about tool parts in the mouseover tooltip
  77. # Removes the random chance of getting flint from gravel
  78. # Removes the recipe for Tinker's Construct's stone torch
  79. B:toolsNeverDespawn=true
  80. ####################
  81. #
  82. # Normally the mod changes the mining levels of all pickaxes to be in line with the new system, override that for specific picks here
  83. # Format <itemID>:<miningLevel> (Each on a separate line)
  84. >
  85. ####################
  86. #
  87. # Options to configure to pickaxe mining level boost mechanics
  88. # A pickaxes mining level can be boosted through gaining XP
  89. # Change the percentage of XP required to boost a pick (i.e. 200 means 2x normal boost xp required)
  90. # Mob heads can be used to boost a pickaxe's mining level
  91. # Pickaxes only mine upto their head material level and need a mob head modifier OR leveling boost to advance
  92. }
  93. # repairs
  94. # Changes to tool repairing
  95. # Increase or decrease repair costs (higher = more expensive)
  96. # Repairs are less effective the more a tool is repaired
  97. # Number of times TC tools can be repaired (only if 'repairLimitActive' is true) (set to 0 to disable repairs)
  98. # Number of times TC tools can be repaired is limited
  99. # Repair cost doubles after this many repairs (only if 'repairCostScaling' is true)
  100. }
  101. # restrictions
  102. # See config section of mod thread for list of pattern ids
  103. # Allow certain stone tools to be built (if equivalent flint tool can also be made, the stone version is allowed)
  104. I:restrictedBoneParts <
  105. 5
  106. 7
  107. 10
  108. 13
  109. 15
  110. 17
  111. 19
  112. 21
  113. 23
  114. >
  115. # Pattern ids to restrict for cactus parts
  116. 2
  117. 4
  118. 6
  119. 8
  120. 11
  121. 13
  122. 15
  123. 17
  124. 19
  125. 21
  126. 23
  127. 25
  128. I:restrictedFlintParts <
  129. 5
  130. 7
  131. 9
  132. 11
  133. 15
  134. 17
  135. 19
  136. 21
  137. 23
  138. >
  139. # Pattern ids to restrict for paper parts
  140. >
  141. # Pattern ids to restrict for slime parts
  142. 2
  143. 4
  144. 6
  145. 8
  146. 11
  147. 13
  148. 15
  149. 17
  150. 19
  151. 21
  152. 23
  153. 25
  154. I:restrictedStoneParts <
  155. I:restrictedWoodParts <
  156. }

Tinkers Tool Leveling Mod

Summary of the problem Tinker tool leveling not giving bonuses Pack Version 1.0.1 What is the bug? Running single player, any tinker's tool or weapon I make, when it levels up it gives no bonuses making the leveling process pointless. Djay 3. 1 4.

Tinker Tool Leveling Config For Windows

  • Nov 05, 2014.Basic Tool crafting and leveling up.Advanced Smelter. Struggling with Iguana Tweaks? Having trouble getting a good tool (that works)? The Best Tinkers' Construct Tools & Weapons.
  • Adapts Tinker Tool Materials to the new progression (changes some stats). Mostly earlylevel materials. Disable Non-Tic-Tools being able to harvest blocks. They can still be used for crafting this way. BonusChest Tools are replaced with tinker tools.
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